Thanks to generous contributions from The PNC Foundation and DEP Technologies, Inc., we were able to develop an interactive database of community assets in the city. McKeesport has hundreds of individuals, organizations, and programs that are supporting the people and the city. These efforts are publicly and privately financed from a myriad of local and regional sources.


Before TCR can select the area with the greatest need and where our organization can make a significant contribution, we need to determine:

  1. what assets are available.
  2. how effective they are.
  3. how TCR can contribute to those resources and services.


To accomplish this, we first must have a clear and comprehensive picture of what is working. To that end, we will build an interactive database where all fields will be able to respond to queries to allow functional use of the database information. This community-asset database will not only be a critical tool for that evaluation, but it will also serve as an ongoing asset to the community. It will be maintained so that everyone will have access to what is available and who is providing those services.

Our volunteers and contract service staff and students will canvas the entire community and complete this form for entry into our community asset database. This database will enable us to be sure to involve all active parties as we explore new solutions and resources to strengthen our community fabric. We welcome individuals and organizations to complete our application and to contact us about who and what organizations are involved in specific targeted areas.


Fill out the fields below. This should not take more than 5 minutes:



    Name (required)

    Street Address



    Phone #1

    Phone #2


    Does your asset have multiple people working within it who could themselves be community assets?
    Ex: Coaches, Logistics experts, Teachers, Managers, Regular Volunteers

    Additional Contact

    Name (required)

    Street Address



    Phone #1

    Phone #2


    Does your asset have multiple people working within it that could themselves be community assets?
    Ex: Coaches, Logistics experts, Teachers, Managers, Regular Volunteers

    Community Involvement

    Which category best describes your asset? (required - Check all that apply)
    Green/SustainabilityEducationHousing OpportunitiesYouth ServicesRecreationReligious/Spiritual Institution

    Please write a brief summary of the services your asset renders to the community. (required - Remember, no contribution is too small!)

    I (we) serve the following age groups (required - check all that apply)
    Prenatal to 2 years2 years to 6 years6 years to 12 years12 years to 18 years18 years to 55 years55 years and older

    When is your asset available to the community? (required - check all that apply)
    24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year9am - 5pm, Monday - FridayWeekendsMorningsAfternoonsNightsAppointment Only

    If none of the choices apply to your asset availability, please explain below

    What is the average cost per use of your service to the community? (required)

    All prices in $USD please.

    How is your organization staffed? (required - check all that apply)

    VolunteersPaid EmployeesI work independently

    Does your asset provide ... ? (required - check first that applies)